Want stronger hamstrings? Then you need to add SHELC to your repertoire
Supine Hip Elevated Leg Curl is waaay to long of a name to remember. Just remember SHELC
I am using a physio ball (stability ball) but you can also use a dynamax ball which is lower to the ground and harder to move
Take note of the 3 videos:
❌ In the top video my hips are not high at all and I am rolling the ball in/out without feeling it much in the hamstrings
✔️ In the middle video I am keeping my hips *much* higher and trying to keep my hips high as I extend my legs back out. Extremely difficult to do
✔️✔️ And the bottom video is if you want even more challenge-taking it up a notch-make it a single leg exercise.
Always working on these 😊🙌🏻👌🏻
✅ Squeeze the glutes hard the entire time (will feel ’em there too!)
✅ Keep hips high throughout the entire movement
These will definitely help increase hamstring strength and who doesn’t want that? 😀😀